Thursday, November 21, 2013

November Twenty First... Honey I'm home!

I forgot waited to mention this but on Sunday I got a new calling. I am now serving as Second Counselor in the Young Women Presidency. I LOVE serving in Young Women!!!

When they issued the call Don looked at me and said; "Back to where you belong", and it felt good. I looked at him and just yipped with joy. I am excited, maybe overly excited.

Tonight was my first activity, and I have to admit, I did have the butterfly's. When I walked in the church Mikala was sitting in the foyer. She gave me a big smile... complimented my jacket... and said she was so excited that I was her new leader. Butterflies instantly dissipated.

I think it is awesome that I get to be with the beehives as well since I know all the ones who will be coming in from being with them (and continuing to be with them in activity days... I was not released from that calling (yet and hopefully they just forget)) and I already know Mikala because of activity days as well. And I have worked so much with laurels (laurel adviser twice and yw pres twice) that I am excited to be with younger girls.

I LOVE getting to serve with the youth! I love to see them grow and discover and develop. The gospel is so exciting and I love it so much, and I hope I can help them see that as well. I have missed being in the mutual program for the last 2 years so much that it does almost feel like coming home. I already love the girls and the leaders, I just hope I can be as awesome as they all already are!

This is kinda funny. Don and I had a bet going on how long it would take for me to be mistaken as a young woman. He said it would happen if I went to camp, and I said I am 29 now, my body has been wrecked in the last 2 years, I am no spring chicken and it's not going to happen. Well guess what we were both wrong, it already happened tonight. We were combined with another ward and the other wards leader mixed me up with the girls. I am not sure how I should take that, so I will just add it to my list of times it has happened. ("They let a pregnant laurel come to camp!!!" (spoken shouted by a bishop) is still my favorite)

Day #21: I am grateful for my new calling, and for all the amazing girls and leaders in the ward who have already made me feel welcomed and loved.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you made it "home". I'm so excited for you and I know you will be incredible... I served in YW once as the President. Sometimes that seems a bit odd to me that that happened. I don't think I would call YW "home". Somehow (blessings from heaven) it was good and it worked :).


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