So I was shopping at my favorite store (Dollar Tree) and was wanting to do something crafty that was not leather... I have been seeing some cute ideas for wreaths, and even though right now I do not have a front door to showcase my wonderful wreath I thought it might still be fun to make, and guess what: It WAS! Dollar Tree has some way fun stuff for Fall and Halloween, well here it is my webby wreath, and a hint on how to make it if you so desire:
Items needed: 2 creepy cloths, one wreath form, some fun ribbons, spider web, spider rings and twisty ties (a lot of this stuff you might already have on hand, total my wreath cost about $6 so you can do the math.

Just a warning after doing this I am feeling the spirit of the season, and somehow am channeling my inner Count from Sesame Street.
Step one-wahaha: Anchor the web onto the wreath with twisty ties and remove the glow in the dark spider. You can leave it on if it it is the spider you want, it is now Leigha's favorite toy so I was not able to put it back on. She makes me giggle.
Step two-wahaha: Fold the black creepy cloth in half and zigzag fold around the wreath anchoring at every bottom point where it touches the wreath.... I anchored mine about every 3-5 inches. The black creepy cloth was longer than the gray so I am guessing that sizes might vary and you might need 2 to make it all the way around. I did not do mine very even and I love the way it turned out.
Step three-wahaha: Add the gray creepy cloth by wrapping it around every 3 or so black zigzags. You can use the same twisty ties to anchor, or add some more. I used the same ones and it worked just fine.
Step four-wahaha: Add any ribbon you want, I loved the spider web one that was at the Dollar Tree. I just wrapped it so it was next to the gray creepy cloth.
Step five-wahaha: Add a fun ribbon or big spider or just something fun.
Step six-wahaha: Attach some fun spidery rings. Mine are not really anchored at all, except in the middle and I anchored that one by pinching it in back and then wrapping it with a twisty tie.
I hope you love your Wreath! Happy Haunting :)
This is absolutely PERFECT!!!! You are a crafty genius. I absolutely LOVE it!!!! Your posts are so fun to read too! Hugs- Glora