In Sacrament meeting Sister Hirst gave her homecoming talk. She talked about gratitude (fitting for the week) and one thing that she said I took as a challenge. She said she had found an article that talked about 100 things to be grateful for in 10 different areas. She worked on her gratitude during Sacrament meeting (I think that is an awesome idea!) I tried my hardest to write down all 10 categories, but I only got 9 of them.
So when I got home from church, I went to my room (after picking up a bit) and worked on it. I did not type them up because the only way I could do this was to let the kids have the computer to play so I could have some quiet time (Don had the laptop and trying to do it on the i-pad or phone just seemed too hard.... funny how that works huh?)
I was surprised that it really wasn't that much of a challenge. And I ended up doing 100 after all... I could not think of what #9 was (she went really fast!) so I decided to do it on talents. That was the hardest one for me to think of 10 talents that I might have, so I talked to Don about it and he mentioned several things that I did not recognize as talents. It is great to have his perspective. I love him so much!
If you want to give it a try here are 9 of the things she mentioned of 10, and then you can really do what ever you want, but talents was a kind of uplifting one (especially when you fish for compliments from your doting hubby).
1- 10 living people
2- 10 people who have passed on
3- 10 physical abilities
4- 10 material possessions
5- 10 things about nature
6- 10 things today
7- 10 places on earth
8- 10 things about the gospel
9- 10 modern inventions
10- 10
Never mind, I found the article she read :) It is great... and the thing I forgot was 10 foods (that would have been easier than talents :)) Here is a link to the article, it is a great read :)
Day #24: I am grateful for inspired Sacrament talks, and for all of my MANY MANY blessings... way more than 100, I could do 100, 100 x's and not even scratch the surface.
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