Today was a great... I did not get a lot done... but it was a great day! I have amazing wonderful friends I am SO grateful for them and their HUGE impact in my life. I have mostly always been blessed by wonderful women, especially as an adult.
I was going to write a huge long post about them all from the time I was born until now (in fact I just did, but deleted it because who wants to read that???).
This morning I got to visit with Michele... Can I just say.. I LOVE her so much?! I don't think we can go more than 5 minutes before one or both of us is busting up laughing! She is totally gorgeous, but a TOTAL nerd (she might punch my face for saying it, but I am just repeating her). She is kind and sweet and thoughtful. She is creative and silly and we are similar in A LOT of ways (except I'm not tall). I love getting to talk with her and laugh with her. I love every time we get to hang out, I always leave happier than when I showed up (or she showed up). We make great plans together (even though we are not the best at following through with them all the time). I have loved serving with her and getting to see her love for the 8-11 year old girls (I am so excited that now Leigha is one of those girls and gets to be blessed by Michele's sheer awesomeness)
Today I got to go hang out with my friend Erika... She is amazing, and I love to be around her. We can talk for HOURS and it seems like minutes. She is one of the kindest people and has the MOST polite kids I have ever met! I am so grateful that we became friends last year... It kinda stinks that she lives in "the ditch" (I heard that for the first time one Monday and have been waiting for an opportunity to use it... I don't know if that was the best way but I gotta do it!), but it has proven to me that we are going to be friends for the long haul, and I am super grateful for that!
Then my friend Cadie came over. I have only known Cadie for a few months, but it has been long enough to know that she is one remarkable woman! She is teaching herself to knit, and has done the CUTEST things (She is actually knitting fairy tale creatures!). She has 2 adorable kids whom my children LOVE. It is so fun to watch Leigha and Conner with Trent (mostly Leigha). It is almost how I would imagine them with a younger sibling... except Trent is taken (darn it!). We are working on being better moms, and it is great to know that she has my back (plus she is letting me borrow a great book to read as well... hopefully someday I will have this mom thing down). We ended up playing outside, which at Parkway is ALWAYS fun!
I love living in our apartment complex, we have the coolest people (not that the cool people in my life are exclusive to Parkway, the are just more easily accessible). There is hardly ever a time where we are not joined by friends or daily invited to be with friends.
While we were out Angela and Cydney came to join us. I don't know Cydney very well... Yet... but what I do know I absolutely LOVE! We have a lot of the same interests and hobbies and we compliment each other (literally and figuratively) in a lot of ways. I am excited to get to know her more!
(I saved the best for last) I love Angela! I am so grateful for her in my life. We get to see each other on more than a daily basis (which is always so fun!). Angela is one of the most kind and genuine women I have ever met. She is positive and sweet and I learn SO much from her. She has amazing boys and I am SO excited to meet her amazing girl, I hope she is just like her mom! She is SUCH a great example to me and every time I am around her I learn something new, feel uplifted, and want to be a better person. I feel so blessed and lucky to have her as a friend! She amazes me with the things she is able to do, she is always serving, baking bread, working out, and just being fabulous! She is an amazing listener and cares deeply for everyone around her. She is strong and courageous and has her head on straight.She is humble and sweet and one of my heroes (if you could not tell by now).
I am grateful for my visiting teachers who called me today. I love Wendy and Laura. They are so kind and sweet. They are remarkable women of great strength and so in-tune with the spirit. I got to talk to Wendy yesterday and she is just one of the coolest people. I talked to Laura today and I am so grateful for her, she is not reminded enough of how amazing she truly is, so if she ever sees this I want her to know: I think you are amazing Laura! I hope I can show her more often.
I am also blessed to be married to my best friend and the daughter of my other best friend, and mom of my best friends, and the sister to my other best friends. I am blessed to have a lot of best friends.
I am so grateful for all the other amazing friends in my life right now. Last night I had a blast with some of them getting some frozen yogurt, it was fun to get to sit around and chat for an hour and a half and just have fun. Thank you Ashlee, Melanie, Kelli, and Angela and Stephanie! It was a such fun night! I am grateful for Katy, Wendy, Laura, Mandy, Aleesha, Connie, Rachele, Megan, Haylee and so many more super awesome friends.
Thank you to all of my old friends as well. Thank you for helping to shape me into who I am today. Thank you for your prayers, thank you for your support, thank you for your examples, thank you for all the times we have spent together from what ever era of my life you are from. Thank you for everything you have done... I LOVE YOU!
In my patriarchal blessing it tells me about my selection of friends and that we tend to become like whom we associate with, and to only chose friends who are really really cool (paraphrasing). I am so grateful that I have heeded that and have been blessed to find as friends the BEST people on the earth!
I am grateful for my Savior as my friend as well. I am grateful for his abiding love! I am grateful that when I did not feel I had anyone that I had Him, and even now that I have such an amazing support group that He is still there and that He is reflected through each of my friends.
Day #13: I am grateful for the best friends ever... past, present and future!
Sarah, you amaze me! Thank you for your kind words. You are such a good friend to so many, including me. I feel very similar about you. I always feel happier and uplifted after being around you. And it seems I walk away a better person after I associate with you because you teach me so much. In my patriarchal blessing it talks about friends as well. I am told to choose my friends carefully because they will have a marked influence in my life. Thank you for your positive influence in my life.
ReplyDeleteP.S. That is funny that you mentioned always baking bread. I had this crazy idea to bring each of the sisters I visit teach a loaf of bread this time around. I'll tell you why when I see you. Currently I've got 4 loaves down and 2 to go. Don't tell Mark because I'll get in trouble for doing all that work :). But it feels worth it otherwise I could not pull this off in a 3 day span. I must be doing the right thing.